Our Work
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Critical Home Repair
Critical home repairs and modifications for low-income families and individuals in the Tricounty area. Work provided through this program primarily includes roof repair and replacement, floor repairs, and bathroom modifications.
Heat Relief Program
Providing window air conditioning units for low-income families or individuals who have no other way to cool their home during the summer. The program runs from May through August (or as inventory lasts). This program serves all age groups.

Heat Relief Program
Providing window air conditioning units for low-income families or individuals who have no other way to cool their home during the summer. The program runs from May through August (or as inventory lasts!) and serves all age groups. Over 525 families were served during summer 2022!

Cold Relief Program
Providing space heaters to low-income families or individuals who have no other way to heat their homes during the winter. The program runs from November through February (or as inventory lasts). This program serves all age groups.
Wheelchair Ramps
Installation of wheelchair ramps, handrails, and exterior step repairs for low-income families and individuals in the Tricounty area. The work provided through this program allows families to have safe way to access their homes.

Wheelchair Ramps
Installation of wheelchair ramps, handrails, and exterior step repairs. The work provided through this program allows families to have safe and accessible homes. Over 44 ramps were built with help from our volunteers in 2021!