Volunteer With Us



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Volunteer With Us

Volunteer With Us!

Operation Home builds over 70 wheelchair ramps annually for families in our community thanks to dedicated volunteers!  Individuals, civic and church groups, and corporations contribute over 10,000 volunteer hours each year.  We hope you will join our team!

Check out our FAQ’s and we hope to see you soon!

Watch How Our Volunteers Help!

When are ramps built? Ramps are built during all months of the year except July and August. Ramps are built on Saturdays and selected weekdays.

How many people are needed to build a ramp? Ramps are built with groups of 6 to 12 people.

How long does it take to build a ramp?  Ramps are built in one day and are scheduled from 9am to 2pm.

What does Operation Home provide for the project? Operation Home provides all volunteer training, all ramp materials, lunch (optional), water, and a restroom facility.

Can my corporation or group sponsor a volunteer ramp build? Yes! Sponsorships cover the cost of all ramp materials. Please contact Addison Poe if you are interested in a sponsorship opportunity.

How do I sign up to volunteer? Please contact Operation Home at addison@operationhome.org to get a ramp build scheduled!

Are there other volunteer opportunities? Yes! Operation Home needs volunteers for special events and other projects throughout the year.  If you are interested in volunteering at an event, please email addison@operationhome.org.